Doggys make humans happy. It’s high time that we return the favor and make them happy as well.
Doggys are happy animals, plain and simple. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make them happier with a treat or more fun activities. When it comes to our doggys, there are several small changes we can make to their daily routines to help them lead happier and healthier lives. From paying attention during playtime to slowing down during walks, here are six things you can do today to instantly improve your dog’s life.
By focusing on our doggys’ experiences, it’s possible to find simple ways to make them happier without working harder, and there are a lot of ways to accomplish just that. Here are tips on making your doggy happy and improving his life.
More playtime with him.
Playtime can add more happiness to your doggy. Every doggy’s favorite time of the day is play time. When doggys play, they are having fun and most often is a direct route to happiness. Playing also provides mental and physical exercise. It can also lead to socializing opportunities which leads to a feeling of success for your doggy. It also takes out boredom for the doggy.
Most doggys love to play in certain ways, have fun as well and enjoy it with him. Many doggys learn to love play if we teach them to be interested in toys. If your doggy has no interest in playing, play chase with him.
Daily exercise routines
Doggys need regular exercise which is very important for his overall well-being, both mentally & physically. Overweight doggys are at an increased risk for developing health issues and you can cut down the risk by keeping your doggy active.
Lack of exercise may cause boredom and frustration. Dog’s that don’t get daily exercise are much more likely to develop destructive behaviors such as excessive chewing or barking. By providing regular exercise you’re giving them a routine and a way to burn off that extra energy.
Always compliment your doggy.
Doggys thrive on compliments and make sure to let your doggy know each and every time that they are doing something that makes you smile or happy. It may just motivate her to do it again and do more.
Work on enrichment activities.
Fun enrichment time ideas are another way to work your doggy’s mind. If we compare it to training, where the goal is to teach your doggy to do something, enrichment activities are more about providing your doggy the opportunity to think and learn on their own. Building your doggy’s confidence and teaching them patience at the same time can be also stimulating as physical training. Always keep in mind that every doggy requires physical & mental exercise.
Watch their diet.
Your doggy’s diet has a huge impact on their health and happiness. Giving them the wrong diet can lead to obesity and health issues. The right diet keeps them healthy and in good condition. If your doggy can tolerate change in his diet, mixing things up a bit and adding fresh food will bring them happiness.